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까이유 스크립트

[season1-17]What if~ 는 무슨 뜻일까요? 까이유 만화로 생활영어 쉽게 익혀봐요!


오늘 에피소드를 보시면 깜짝 놀라실 거예요.

까이유가 혼자서 동네를 돌아다녔거든요.

나쁜 사람이 없었기에 망정이지 정말 큰일 날 뻔했어요.


저희 아이는 미아방지 팔찌를 사주었는데, 잘 끼고 다니다가 요즘엔 놀이할 때 불편하다고 안 하고 다니네요.

그런데 미아방지 목걸이나 팔찌에 부모님 핸드폰이나 아이 이름을 적는 게 오히려 범죄의 대상이 될 수 있다고 해서 하지 말라는 분들도 계시더라고요.


그리고 경찰서에서 유아 지문등록을 할 수 있으니 꼭 등록하시고요.

요즘엔 어린이집이나 유치원에서 단체로 지문등록을 하기도 한다고 하네요.



Caillou : Hey, that's my cookie. Mommy, the squirrel ate my cookie. Mommy, are you asleep? It isn't bedtime yet. Hi, Sara.


Caillou had never gone around the corner all by himself, but he had always wanted to. Caillou had never stood in a sprinkler with his clothes on before. It was fun being out with no one to tell him what to do.


Girl : Hi. Do you want to play hopscotch? Throw your rock like this.


Caillou hopped like a bunny all the way around another corner. Caillou decided that he would go all the way around the block all by himself.


Sarah : Don't worry. Bella's a nice dog.


Caillou was scared of the dog.


Sarah : Where are you going?

C : I'm going round the block. I walked all by myself.

Sarah : You're very brave. Go that way... and you'll get back to your house.


Caillou was starting to feel nervous about being out on his own. What if he got lost? What if he met another big dog? What if a big crow chased him?

Lady : Hello, there. I know you, you're Caillou. I've seen you with your mommy and daddy.


Caillou had seen this lady with his Mommy many times.


Lady : Are you out here all by yourself? Would you like to hold it?

C : It tickles.

Lady : Lady bug, lady bug, fly away home... I think it's time for you to fly away home, too, Caillou. But first, let me get you something.

C : Bye-bye, lady bug. Thank you.


The lady was nice. Caillou was glad to be walking home holding her hand.


C : Hi, Mommy, I'm home.

Mom : Where did this come from?

C : A lady gave it to me. Over there.

M : Ah, yes, I know who you mean. But what were you doing over there?

C : While you were sleeping I went all the way around the block.

M : You did?

C : And I saw a rainbow and a hopscotch and a big dog and... and a very scary crow.

M : Weren't you scared?

C : A little bit.

M : I think you'd better wait till you're a big boy before you go around the block again.




까이유가 엄마가 잠든 사이에 혼자 돌아다녔네요. 사고가 나지 않아 정말 다행이네요.

마당에서 놀다가 한눈 판 사이에 아이가 없어질 수는 있을 것 같긴 하지만

만약에 실제 상황이었으면 정말 식은땀 났을 거예요.

다행히 동네 아주머니가 까이유를 알아보시고 데려다 주셨네요.

  • Caillou had never gone around the corner all by himself. 까이유는 혼자서 모퉁이를 돌아서 나가본 적이 없었다.
  • Caillou hopped like a bunny all the way around another corner. 까이유는 토끼처럼 깡총거리며 모퉁이를 돌아갔다.
  • I'm going round the block. 나는 동네를 돌아다니고 있어.
  • I walked all by myself. 혼자서 다니고 있어.
  • What if he got lost? 만약에 길을 잃어버리면 어떡하지?
  • What if he met another big dog?  다른 개를 만나면 어떡하지?
  • What if a big crow chased him? 큰 까마귀가 쫓아오면 어떡하지?
  • Are you out here all by yourself? 여기까지 혼자 온 거니?
  • I think it's time for you to fly away home. 너도 집에 갈 시간이 된 것 같구나.
  • I think you'd better wait till you're a big boy before you go around the block again. 좀 더 큰 다음에 혼자 다니는 게 좋을 것 같구나.

* What if~? 만약 ~하면 어떡하지?


What if는 일상생활에서도 많이 쓰는 표현이니깐 꼭 익히고 가셨으면 좋겠어요.

미드에서도 정말 많이 나오는 표현이죠.

What if는 일어나진 않았지만 어떤 상황을 상상해볼 때 쓰는 표현이에요.


What if it doesn't work out? 만약 일이 잘 안되면 어떡하지?

What if he doesn't come? 그가 안 오면 어떡하지?

What if this is my last night alive? 이 밤이 내가 살아있는 마지막 날이라면?

걱정스러운 마음이 들 때 많이 쓰지만, 그렇지 않을 때도 쓸 수 있긴 해요.


그럼, 오늘도 즐거운 영어 하세요^^



