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까이유 스크립트

[season1-10] 까이유가 친구가 없어서 외로워하네요. 까이유 만화로 엄마표 생활영어 공부해요~


오늘은 까이유가 친구가 없어서 외롭고 속상하다고 느끼고 있네요.

아이가 학교에 친구가 없어서 심심하다고 얘기하면 부모 입장에서 걱정되고 정말 속상하죠.

이럴 때 어떻게 얘기해주면 좋을지 저도 잘 모르겠네요.

해답은 아니겠지만 까이유 만화를 참고해 보도록 해요.



Caillou's friends(S01 E10)



Grandma : Whatever's the matter, Caillou? You don't look very happy.

Caillou : I've got nobody to play with.

G : Don't you have any friends?

Cai : No. I don't.


At that moment Caillou really thought he didn't have any friends, and that made him feel even more sad and lonely.


G : I'm sure you must have some friends. Let's see if we can think of one. What about that nice girl Clementine?

Cai : Clementine loves candies.Can I...?

Cle : Nope. Okay, want some?


Cai/Cle : Oh no.

Cle : I'm putting the yellow ones in a row.


Miss Martin : Caillou. That candy was on the floor. It's not going in your mouth.

Cle : Wait a minute. I have some more here. They're Clean.

G : Well that's one friend... Do you have any others?

Cai : Um... I don't think so.

G : Let's see, now. What about that boy Leo?

Cai : Leo's funny.

Mom : What's so funny, you two?

Cai : Nothing, Mommy.

G : Well now. That's two friends. Do you have any others?

Cai : No.

G : Really? What about Gilbert? Isn't he your friend?



Caillou had forgotten about Gilbert. Of course Gilbert was his friend.


Cai : Yay. Gilbert. You're my friend.


Caillou was much happier now. He started out thinking he didn't have any friends. But now he knew he had three.

And now that he knew he had three friends, Caillou began to think about whether he had any more.


Cai : Rosie's my sister, Grandma... But she's my friend, too.

G : That's right.

Rosie : Caillou.

Mr. Hinkle : Hello, everybody.

Cai : Hello, Mr. Hinkle. And Mr. Hinkle's my friend too. I have lots of friends, don't I, Grandma?

G : Yes. You do. Look who's coming.

Cai : It's Mommy and Daddy. Mommy. Daddy. You're my friends. And so's Rosie, and Gilbert and Mr. Hinkle. And Clementine and Leo.

M : Are those all your friends?

Cai : Yes.

M : Aren't you forgetting someone?

Cai : Oh yes, and you're my friend, too, Grandma.




친구가 없어서 속상해하고 있는 아이에게 친구를 만들어주면 좋겠지만, 엄마 아빠가 응원하고 있다는 표현을 하셔도 힘이 될 것 같아요.

이런 상황엔 아이에게 어떻게 얘기해주면 좋은지 알고 계시는 분들은 댓글로 얘기해주시면 감사할 것 같아요^^

  • I've got nobody to play with. 같이 놀 사람이 없어요.
  • Don't you have any friends? 친구가 한명도 없니?
  • I'm sure you must have some friends. Let's see if we can think of one. 넌 분명히 친구가 있을 거야. 같이 생각해보자.
  • I'm putting the yellow ones in a row. 난 노란색을 한줄로 세울 거야.
  • That candy was on the floor. It's not going in your mouth. 그 사탕은 땅에 있던 거야. 입에 넣으면 안 된단다.
  • Aren't you forgetting someone? 누구 잊지 않았니?

'It's not going in your mouth'라는 표현은 백일쯤 됐을 때부터 많이 썼던 것 같아요.

5살 된 저희 아이에게도 하루 한 번은 쓰는 것 같네요.

강아지 흉내 낸다고 장난감을 입으로 물고 올 때가 있거든요ㅋㅋㅋ

어쨌든 까이유가 친구를 생각해내서 기분이 좋아졌네요.

모두들 즐거운 영어 하세요^^
