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까이유 스크립트

[season1-7] 까이유가 어린이집 등원거부를 하네요. 어린이 집관련 생활영어 공부해봐요.


까이유로 일상생활 영어를 시작한지 벌써 열흘째네요.

오늘은 까이유가 어린이집에 가는 첫날이에요.

대부분의 아이들이 그렇듯이 까이유도 어린이집에 가기 싫다고 등원거부를 하네요.

어린이집에 가서는 레오라는 친구한테 장난감도 뺏기고요.


Caillou at Daycare (S01E07)


Caillou : I don’t want to go, Mommy. I want to stay with you.

Mom : Oh, so do I, Caillou. But you know Mommy has to go to work. And Daycare can be fun. Hear that?

Anne : Hello, I’m Anne Martin, the teacher. And you must be Caillou.

M : Now, I'm going to have to go, honey.

Cai : No. I don't want you to go, Mommy.

M : I'll be back, Caillou. Don't be sad.


Even Caillou's Mommy was sad to leave him at Daycare for the first time.


A : Here, Caillou. Have a glass of apple juice. Do you want me to introduce you to the other children? Okay. Maybe after your juice then.


Leo : Those are my blocks.

Cai : Mommy.

L : Your Mommy's gone.

Clementine : Hi. I'm Clementine. What's your name?

Cai : Caillou.

Cle : That's Leo. He doesn't like to share. Do you want to play? I'm doing cut-outs. See, here's an apple, and that's a banana, and this is raisin toast. You can't eat them though, they're only pretend. Do you like Daycare?



Cai : I like staying at my Grandma's better.

Cle : That's where you stay when your Mom and Dad are busy?

Cai : She's an artist and I get to play with paints, and brushes, and paper, and crayons, and chalk, and color pencils.

Cle : We got all that stuff here.

Cai : Oh boy. I'm going to paint a robin.

Cle : I'll do cut-outs of what robins eat.

Caillou & Clementine : That's worms.

L : That's a good robin. Could you teach me how to paint like that?

Cle: Sure, Leo, if you teach us how to build a castle.

L : A castle has to have lots of towers.

Cle : A worm has to have lots of twists.

Cai : And a robin has to have lots of red. Here, Leo. You can make a flag for the castle.

Mom & Dad : Caillou.

Cai : We have to make this tower higher.


Caillou was having so much fun playing, he didn't even notice his Mommy and Daddy.


Cai : Look. I'm making a castle.




까이유가 클레멘타인 덕분에 어린이집에 잘 적응을 한 것 같네요.

우리나라에서는 어린 아이에게도 양보하는 것을 가르치는데, 미국에서는 아이한테 무조건적인 양보를 가르치지 않더라고요.

'It's mine. 내거야.' 라는 개념을 가르친 다음에, 같이 갖고 노는 'share'의 개념을 알려주는 것 같아요.

그리고 다른 아이에게 장난감을 뺏겼을때도, 아이가 속상해 하는 것에 공감해준 다음 다른 놀이로 바로 방향 전환을 시켜주더라고요. 

그럼, 몇가지 중요 표현들을 알아볼까요?


  • I'm going to have to go. 나는 이제 가야해.
  • I don't want you to go. 가지 마세요.
  • Even Caillou's Mommy was sad to leave him at Daycare for the first time. 까이유 엄마도 까이유를 어린이집에 처음 보내보기 때문에 걱정됐어요.
  • Maybe after your juice then. 주스를 먹은 다음에 하자.
  • Your Mommy's gone. 너희 엄마는 갔어.
  • He doesn't like to share. 그는 같이 갖고 노는걸 싫어해.
  • I'm doing cut-outs. 나는 가위질 놀이를 할거야.
  • You can't eat them though, they're only pretend. 가짜니깐 그거 먹으면 안되.
  • I'll do cut-outs of what robins eat. 나는 로빈이 먹을걸 만들어야겠다.
  • Could you teach me how to paint like that? 어떻게 그리는 건지 알려줄래?

pretend는 '~인척하다'는 뜻으로 많이 쓰이죠. 그래서 pretend paly는 소꿉놀이나 병원놀이 같은 가상놀이를 뜻해요.

* We're gonna put on a pretend play 우린 가상놀이를 할꺼야.

* You can't eat them though, they're only pretend. 가짜니깐 그거 먹으면 안되.

아이들이 놀이할땐 pretend라는 단어가 많이 나오니 꼭 확인하고 가세요.



미국 엄마가 놀이터에서 많이 하는 표현 정리!

안녕하세요. 보니러브맘이예요. 벌써 6월 중순이네요!! 여름이 되었으니, 아이들이 한창 뛰어놀아야 하는데 코로나 때문에 아이들도 놀이터를 못 가고 있죠... 미국에 있는 저희도 놀이터를 못



