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까이유 스크립트

[season1-3] 까이유로 밥먹일때 유용한 영어표현 공부해봐요


까이유로 생활영어 공부하는 5일 차네요.

오늘 에피소드는 야채를 먹기 싫어하는 까이유에요.

저희 아이도 입이 짧은 편이라 밥 먹이는 게 정말 힘들더라고요.

이번 에피소드엔 아이에게 밥 먹일 때 유용한 표현이 많으니 꼭 확인해보세요.



MOM : Caillou, eat your vegetables. Grandpa will be coming soon to take you to the park.

DAD : But you can't go to the park if you don't finish your vegetables.

CAILLOU : I hate vegetables. I want chocolate chip cookies.

D : Cookies are for dessert, Caillou.

C : Found some.

M : You can have a cookie after you finish your vegetables.

D : I love vegetables.

C : Eat my vegetables, Daddy.

D : Oh no, you don't. At least try to eat your vegetables, Caillou.

C : Grandpa's here.

G : Come on, Caillou. Let' go to the park.

C : I'm going to the park with Grandpa.

G : And after the park, we'll go see Grandma. She's making us supper.

C : Wow. A caterpillar.

G : Caterpillars eat leaves. so they can have the energy to turn into butterflies.

C : Turn into butterflies? What's the bird doing, Grandpa?

G : It's looking for worms to eat. Worms give them the energy they need to fly south for the winter.

And squirrels eat nuts. They save them up for later. when it gets too cold to go outside.

C : Come here, Squirrel.

G : We're home and we're hungry as bears.

C : That's because we are bears.

G : Peas and carrots. Yummy. Bears eat berries. Tonight, these peas and carrots are our berries. 

C : I'm a bear.

Later that night, Mom and Dad dropped by to pick up Caillou.

M : And how was Caillou today?

C : I'm a bear.

G : I'm a bear too. And we both ate all our vegetables.

C : We ate our berries, Grandpa.

G : And that means it's time for...

C : Cookies!




  • You can't go to the park if you don't finish your vegetables. 야채를 다 안 먹으면 공원에 갈 수 없는데.
  • Cookies are for dessert. 쿠키는 디저트란다.
  • You can have a cookie after you finish your vegetables. 야채를 다 먹어야 쿠키를 먹을 수 있어.
  • At least try to eat your vegetables. 한번 야채를 먹어보기라도 해 봐.
  • They can have the energy to turn into butterflies. 나비가 되기 위해 필요한 에너지를 얻을 수 있단다.
  • It's looking for worms to eat. 잡아먹을 벌레를 찾고 있구나.
  • Worms give them the energy they need to fly south for the winter. 벌레는 겨울에 새들이 남쪽으로 날아가는데 필요한 에너지를 제공해준단다.


입맛이 예민한 아이들은 먹어보지 않은 음식은 아예 입에도 안댈때가 있죠.

이럴때 At least try it. 이라고 말하면 좋을 것 같아요. 

또 밥 안먹는 아이들에겐 Foods give you the energy. 라고 말할수도 있고요.


일상생활에서 쓰는 영어는 별로 어렵지 않은 편인데, 머릿속에서 맴돌면서 바로 나오지 않아서 어려움을 느끼는 건 같아요. 

저도 이렇게 글로 보면 아는 문장인데도 원어민처럼 바로 말로 튀어나오지 않더라고요. 

매일 연습하도록 해요^^

